No Strong Pay THR, Entrepreneur Permission First

The government maintains, there is no reason for companies not to pay holiday allowance (THR) for its employees this year before Lebaran.
Even if there are companies who can not afford, the government requires that management is not able to submit evidence to the local labor offices.
"Must be filed," said Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Muhaimin Iskandar, told on the sidelines of the delivery of the State Address the President in the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 16, 2011.
Muhaimin said, THR minimum amount that must be accepted by the employees of the company amounted to a one-time salary. "A base salary for one-time salary," he said.
To process the payment, the government provides a time limit later than seven days before Idul Fitri, THR must have been given.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. PER-04/MEN/1994 on Religious Feast Benefits for Workers in the company of Article 2 paragraph (1) described the entrepreneur shall give THR to workers who already have a working period of 3 months continuously or more.
Meanwhile, subsection (2) stipulates, THR which must be received by the employee is once a year.
As stipulated in Article 3, the magnitude of THR determined based on the work of the employees. For employees who already have a service life of 12 months continuously or more, then THR is acceptable is one month salary.
Meanwhile, for workers who already have a working period of 3 months continuous but less than 12 months, then THR received is proportional to the period of employment that is through the calculation: the kerja/12 x 1 (one) month salary.
Mentioned one-month wage is the basic wage plus fringe benefits remain.
In these rules, the government also provide relief for companies unable to pay in accordance with applicable THR.
In Article 7 of the Act states That Employers are due to the condition of the company can not afford the THR can apply for a deviation of the magnitude of THR to the Director General of Industrial Relations and Labour Inspection.

Filing of the petition must be filed no later than 2 months before the nearest Religious Feast. Furthermore, the Director General of Industrial Relations and Labour Inspection assign large numbers of THR, after considering the results of the audit.

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